Active in the Region
What We Do
While the opportunities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq are enormous, both the U.S. Government (USG) and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) can do better to enable U.S. companies to take advantage of these opportunities. USKBC advocacy will be responsive to member needs. The USKBC will focus on a number of policy initiatives.
The United States Business Council (USKBC) provides the following services:
- It holds meetings, events and discussions that introduce members to key business and government leaders from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and that help them learn about specific opportunities in the region and form the relationships they will need to pursue those opportunities.
- It provides the opportunity to participate in trade missions to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. These delegations are led by experienced USKBC staff and consultants and have the full support of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).
- Offer members-only access to the USKBC website, which serves as an online forum for highlighting opportunities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and provides pertinent information that helps members evaluate and pursue those opportunities.
- Advise and counsel on how to invest and do business in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and how to overcome legal, logistical, and bureaucratic obstacles to doing business/investing in the Region.
- Pursue policy initiatives in order to strengthen investment and business opportunities and provide feedback on the status of those initiatives.
- Brief on political and legal developments in the Kurdistan Region and other parts of Iraq that impact the ability to do business in the Region.